42 Results for: "Roofer"
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FS Habitat Sàrl
Tiler • Flooring • Kitchen remodeling • Locksmith • Insulation & seals • General construction • Consulting & advisory • Window construction • Roofer • Gardening & landscaping
1741 Cottens +1 - Service d’entretien et de réparations - Agencements intérieurs et extérieurs - Revêtements de sols en bois et synthétiques - Construction et rénovation de terrasses en bois, cache-vue, façades, parois, couverts à véhicules - Isolation intérieure et extérieur - Entretien et révisions de portes, de fenêtres, d’agencements de cuisine et de meubles - Menuiserie générale- P
Perusset Paratonnerres SA
1304 Cossonay-Ville Leonhardt Spenglerei AG
Plumber • Tinsmith • Roofer
4055 Basel Die Leonhardt Spenglerei ist Ihr kompetenter und zuverlässiger Partner für Renovationen, Neu- und Umbauten in der Region Nordwestschweiz. Wir unterstützen Sie in Ihren Plänen und beraten Sie persönlich mit unserem Fachwissen. - Spenglerei - Sanitäre Anlagen - Blitzschutz - FlachdachTraining Company Suissetec Richter & Suarez GmbH
Tinsmith • Roofer
4153 Reinach Die Gesellschaft bezweckt die Erbringung von Dachdecker-, Isolations-, Fassadenbau und Spenglerarbeiten. Ausserdem bezweckt die Gesellschaft die Planung und Montage von Solaranlagen Dachfenster Einbau und Ersatz. Dachunterhalts- und Dachreparaturarbeiten FlachdachsanierungenMultilingual Signer Toiture Sàrl
Tinsmith • Solar installer • Consulting & advisory • Roofer • Carpenter
1090 La Croix-sur-Lutry Spécialisée dans les domaines de la ferblanterie, la couverture et les façades ventilées, l'entreprise Signer Toiture Sàrl met à votre disposition les moyens les plus adaptés pour répondre à vos différents besoins concernant l'enveloppe de vos bâtiments. Que ça soit pour des cas de sinistres (infiltration d'eau, dégâts de vents, neige, gel, tuiles tombées), des ré-assainissements énergétique (travaux d'isolation), des travaux de réparations, de la rénovation ou des constructions neuves, notre équipe qualifiée mettra en place la stratégie idéale pour vous accompagner de la meilleure des façon dans la gestion de votre bien.Suissetec
A stable, well-built roof is not only a basic necessity, but also an investment in the safety and value of your home.
Professional roofers not only take care of the roof covering, but also all other roof-related tasks.
These include
the construction of roof structures
the installation of thermal insulation and waterproofing
roof repair and maintenance
the installation of solar modules
the installation of skylights
the installation of façade cladding
It's best to contact a local roofing company to discuss your next project. If you have any questions, Buildigo will be happy to help.
When it comes to professional roofing and the entire building envelope, choosing the right roofer is crucial. The companies that Buildigo provides you with have experience in tinsmithing and are specialists in all types of roofs, be it a flat roof or a pitched roof. Our master roofers and tinsmiths master every challenge, from simple roof renovations to new builds, including the installation of solar systems and the careful processing of sheet metal on façades, chimneys and gutters.
Our team of experienced specialists, trained with the EFZ and continuous further training, guarantees the highest standards in the execution of all services. The apprenticeship and training of young roofers and tinsmiths is a top priority at our partner companies, as we rely on the quality and commitment of our team to secure the future of the profession. Our project managers oversee every step - from the maintenance of existing buildings to conversions and roof trusses for new buildings.
Whether you are looking for information on roof tiles, insulation or options for your building, our partner companies not only offer you first-class services, but also comprehensive advice. Discover more information about our professions, our company and the wide range of services on our website. Put your trust in our expertise and contact us for your next project - we are your partner for a durable and safe building envelope.
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